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Specialty Inks

We offer the following special effect inks:


Puff ink raises or puffs up when the ink is cured (dried). It adds a three-dimensional look to your design and can be used as a low cost substitute for embroidery. Not all artwork and typefaces produce effective results with puff ink. Avoid using type with characters spaced closely together. Thinly lined designs and fonts work the best with puff ink.


Shimmer inks offer great sparkle and great color selection. Their subtle metallic look is durable and holds up well even after repeated washings.


Glitter inks contain large flakes of shiny Mylar that give the ink a reflective, sparkly appearance. They are available in a wide range of colors and print well on designs without extremely fine detail.


Crystalina inks provide a softly shimmering pearl-like effect. They are typically printed over another color ink color to give the design an added dimension. They work best on designs without fine detail.


Fluorescent inks are perfect when you want to grab attention! The vivid color they provide makes them perfect for hot rod and children's designs.


Want your shirt to stand out at night? Whether it's for a Halloween or rock-n-roll design, glow-in-the-dark ink is a great choice for added fun. Glow-In-The-Dark ink works best on darkly colored shirts but may be used on white or light colors with another ink printed underneath.

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    Brookes McKenzie

    How do I request these? 

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    Hi Brookes, sorry we didn't reply sooner. You'd want to email or call us in advance so we can quote you accurately and process the order with the notes needed for our production teams. Our email and phone are at the top of the page :) Thanks!!

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    Brookes McKenzie

    Great, thanks Sarah!

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